Top Vacation Reads Destinations


We’ve sourced real recommendations from locals in the world’s top destinations to get their insights on what they’d suggest to enrich your experience.

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Where the East meets the West, this city spans both Asia and Europe. Bustling on the Bosphorus Strait, many incredible works of literature have been inspired by this destination.

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You can’t mention famous writing without including London. Poets, playwrights, novelists and many more authors attribute their inspiration to this English capital city.



This peaceful Polynesian outpost has made nearly every visitor dream of the palms and coconuts at sunset. One of the best places in the world to sit on the beach with a good book, there are plenty of works to pass the time between Mai Tais and sunsets.



The city of light, the city of lovers, whatever you call it, there is no shortage of beautiful, romantic and dramatic historical and modern writing from this world city.


San Francisco

The city by the bay has played home to poets, beatniks and alternative culture alike for decades. Now the epicenter for tech and innovation, the vivid literary scene is still alive and well in the local stores, the famed authors and those making change in the world.



The last frontier and one of the most beautiful pieces of uncharted wilderness on Earth, our collection of recommended works about America’s northern-most state bring peace, adventure and native story-telling.


New York City

A world all its own, there are some who swear that NYC is the center of the world and for good reason. The city holds significance for writers of all walks of life who have countless stories to tell about their love and passion for the one and only NYC.

New Orleans

The Big Easy doesn’t disappoint. One of America’s oldest and most unique historical powerhouses, you’ll find tales of haunted mystery, voodoo, music and nightlife set on the Mississippi.

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