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When traveling, we look for recommendations from locals on restaurants, sights and nightlife- why not also our vacation reads?

What you choose to read on vacation is a big choice and one of the few occasions when many of us have the free time to dive into a book. But you also want to immerse yourself in your destination. The idea for Vacation Reads was born out of combining the two.

The founder Emily would always search for books to bring on vacation that had a connection to her destination and found that experience especially rewarding, but somewhat difficult. By bringing in the local community, the concept grew into more than a search, but a community based way to engage deeper into your travels, inspired by locals.

She created Vacation Reads to share and inspire others to do the same. We connect travelers with local reads that also support the small businesses in the community of your destination.

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Emily Glauser, Founder of Vacation Reads, in Paris.